yeah, i’ve been kinda busy with school and all. but i’m back with three new posts to blow your socks off or whatever.

  1. Series Solutions Done Quick finally. i’ve been wanting to do this for months. series solutions kinda suck but this is a way that makes them pretty fast (or at least a lot faster than the normal method).
  2. Column and Row Perspective. when i tutor or help students with linear algebra (including students taking a second level advanced linear algebra course), i usually find they’re a lot slower with matrix multiplication and finding null vectors than they could be. when i show them the “column perspective”, they tell me it’s a huge time saver. so i made a post to more easily share it. even if you are beyond an intro course, if you deal with matrices at all, this is useful.
  3. Bases for the fundamental spaces of a matrix. this is a topic that a lot of students taking an intro to linear algebra tend to find confusing. so i made a post which is hopefully easy to understand. maybe it’ll be useful for students beyond an intro class too.